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Numeral Systems

The basics you need to know how we represent numbers.

  • math
  • radix
  • numbers
  • numeral bases
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Numbers play an essential role in our everyday life. The familiar decimal number system has deeply rooted in our consciousness. In the modern world there is no need to present numbers in some other ways. We learn about Roman Numerals in school, get to know about binary system as the language computers understand, and still the decimal system is what you usually need.

The thing is - the decimal system is not that special. There are numerous number of ways to represent a number, some are more practical, and some are not. We will dive into a brief historical excursion to see the how we used to represent numbers, their pros and cons, and how we come to what we have. The purpose of this blogpost is to understand the the basic principles behind numeral systems.

Numeral system#

A numeral system is a writing system for expressing numbers. This is a mathematical notation for representing numbers of a given set, using symbols in a consistent manner.

Non-positional numeral systems#

Non-positional numeral systems are systems of numerations in which the placement of a numeral symbol does not change it’s value.

Non-positional systems are the most simple and ancient ones. The most primitive way to represent a number in written form is tallying. Counting using strokes as |, ||, |||, and so on, using a single symbol and repeat it as many times as the number we need. This is the example of non-positional system.

This approach is quite simple going as far as the simple needs of people required. But we have infinitely many natural numbers and representing large ones are quite impractical. It would take a lot of time and effort to write a number just as small as one million.

As life became more and more complicated, the need for group numbers became apparent. It was a little step forward to something more practical with the further naming of some special numbers.

Ancient Egyptian Numerals#

The earliest example of non-positional numeral system is the scheme encountered in hieroglyphs, which Egyptians used for writing on stone. The system used groups formed by the number 1010 as it’s base. Each power of 1010 required a new symbol:

  1. 𓏤 1
  2. 𓎆 10
  3. 𓍢 100
  4. 𓆼 1000
  5. 𓂭 10000
  6. 𓆐 100000
  7. 𓁨 1000000

The intermediate numbers are then formed by addition, each symbol repeated the required number of times. Usually the symbols were placed in ascending order, but the order did not matter.

Roman Numerals#

Another well-known non-positional numeral system is Roman numerals. The direct influence of Rome for such a long period, the superiority of this numeral system over any other simple ones that had been known in Europe before 10th century explains the strong position that the system maintained for nearly 2 000 years in scientific and theological literature.

Roman numerals had the great advantage - simplicity; memorizing the values of only five letters was necessary: I,V,X,LI, V, X, L, and CC. Moreover, it was easier to see three in IIIIII than in 33 or to see seven in VIIVII than in 7.

Roman system in it’s simple form allows to count only till 39993 999, as it was prohibited to repeat a symbol more than 3 times. Later, the system evolved and the symbolic system became more and more complex as new special syntax was included. Well-known simple form uses next symbols to construct a number:

IVXLCDM1510501005001000egin{array}{c:c:c:c:c:c:c} I & V & X & L & C & D & M\ hline 1 & 5 & 10 & 50 & 100 & 500 & 1000 end{array}

Despite symbols for numbers 5050 and 500500, Roman Numerals have the base of 10.

Arabic to Roman Numerals


Positional Numeral Systems#

Positional numeral systems are systems of numerations in which the placement of a numeral symbol does change it’s value. These systems are the next major step in numeral systems development. The decimal number system is an example of a positional system.

It is the only one of the systems that can be used for describing large numbers, since each of other systems before gives special names to various numbers bigger than some large number, and an infinite number of names would be required for all the numbers. Non-positional systems used a new symbol for each threshold, positional systems reuse the set of symbols to represent a number of any value no matter how big it is.

Let’s try to figure it out how number is constructed in positional system.

Any positional system has it’s radix value (also known as numeral base); this value describes how many symbols we have at our disposal. For an arbitrary system with radix rr there are a set of symbols: 0,1,2,,r10, 1, 2, … , r - 1. The decimal system has radix 1010 as it uses ten digits 090… 9.

Counting one by one with a given set we are limited with a value r1r - 1 as a threshold, after this the positional system reuse the same symbols placing them ahead, that’s how the ranks are formed: rnr2r1r0r_n… r_2 r_1 r_0. Each time the next threshold is met, new rank is appended.

The first rank has rr values, the next one has rr=r2r * r = r^2. Appending a new rank increases the number of values by rr times. For example, in decimal system in every thousand there are ten hundreds, in every hundred there are ten tens, in every ten there are ten units.

As a result, in positional system with an arbitrary radix rr, any number NN can be written in a unique fashion in the form:

N=idiri=...+d2r2+d1r1+d0r0,egin{aligned} N &= sum_{i} d_i r^i \ &= ... + d_2 r^2 + d_1 r^1 + d_0 r^0,\ end{aligned}

where did_i - are ranks; i.e., symbols from the group 0,1,2,...,r10, 1, 2, ... , r - 1.

We will return to this formula later to understand how to convert a number from one base to another. But first, let’s look at some examples of positional systems.

Cuneiform Numerals#

Babylonian cunieform numeral system first appeared around 2000 B.C. It’s numerals were written in cunieform, using wedge-tipped reed stylus to make a mark of a soft clay tablet which would be exposed in the sun to harden to create a permanent record.

The Babylonians, who were famous for their astronomical observations, as well as their calculations, used a sexagesimal (base-60) positional numeral system. The Babylonian system is credited as the first known positional numeral system.

Only two symbols were used, one for counting units and another for counting tens:

  1. 𒐕 1
  2. 𒌋 10

Because the pressure of the stylus gave a wedge-shaped symbol, the inscriptions are known as cunieform, from the Latin cuneus - “wedge” and forma - “shape”.

The Babylonian system suffered until very late from the lack of a zero symbol, it was developed around 300 B.C.:

  1. 𒑊 0

The resulting ambiguities may well have bothered the Babylonians as much as later translators, as such numbers as 7777 and 77007700 would look the same, it was possible to get the correct value only from context.

Binary system#

There is one “island” where the familiar decimal system is no longer supreme: the electronic computers. Here the binary positional system has been found to have great advantages over the decimal.

Binary system’s radix value is 22, there are just two symbols: 0 and 1. Counting in binary may be look weird, but the underlying principles are the same as for decimal: $0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, … $.

A binary number is generally much longer than it’s corresponding decimal number; for example, 1234512 345 has the binary representation as 1100000011100111000000111001. The reason is that a binary digit distinguishes between only two possibilities: 0 and 1, whereas decimal has 10. In other words, a binary digit carries much less information than a decimal digit. That’s why a binary digit called a bit for short.

Is is much easier to construct a machine to distinguish between two possibilities than among 10, and this is another advantage for a binary system. Nevertheless, the more important point is that bit serve simultaneously to carry numerical information and the logic; the dichotomies of “true” and “false” are preserved in the machine the same way as 0 and 1. In the end everything reduces to a sequences of these two symbols.

Hexadecimal system#

Another positional system widely used in computer technologies is hexadecimal (base-16). Since there are no traditional numerals to represent the quantities from ten to fifteen, alphabetic letters is used as a substitute. The system uses the same set of symbols as the decimal: 0,1,...,90, 1, ... , 9, and the sequence continues as A,B,...,FA, B, ..., F to represent numbers 10,11,...,1510, 11, ..., 15 respectively.

The most common usage is low-level programming to represent memory address as two hexadecimal numbers. Another widespread use case is RGB color notation as three hexadecimal numbers.

Converting number from one radix to another#

There are a lot of algorithms to convert a number from one numeral base to another. The thing is, for practical purposes two algorithms is enough: from arbitrary radix into decimal and vice versa. Using the decimal system as an intermediate value, we can convert numbers in two steps.

It is important to note, usually you won’t do conversion on your own. Let’s leave this job for a computer. Understanding how conversion works is the main purpose why we may convert the numbers ourselves.

All conversions consider we are working with positional numeral systems.

A bit about positional system structure#

As we seen before, every number in arbitrary radix can be written in a unique fashion. Under the hood this formula breaks the number into specific parts considering the combinations we have counting with the set of available symbols (digits).

The structure of a number is like a molecule. Molecule is a unique combination of atoms, the same way any number in positional system is a combination of other numbers, the “atoms”. These “atoms” are the thresholds we met each time we need to use one more symbol. In decimal system the “atoms” will be a powers of radix value: 100=110^0 = 1, 101=1010^1 = 10, 102=10010^ 2 = 100, and so on.

In other words, to represent any number in positional system with radix rr, the number should be broken into special size groups, and each group can be used r1r - 1 times before a bigger group - rank appears.

Disassembling the number

  1. 1 4
  2. 10 3
  3. 100 2
  4. 1000 1

As the result, converting the number from some radix to another boils down to constructing or breaking it down into groups.

Converting from decimal to arbitrary radix#

Converting the decimal number into arbitrary radix rr means that number’s inner structure should be rearranged from radix 1010 to rr. The resulting number should have r0,r1,r2,r3,...r^0, r^1, r^2, r^3, ... where each value is a number of groups and it’s position defines a group value - threshold.

The resulting ranks should be formed using the “greedy algorithm” approach:

  1. Determine the largest rnr^n value not exceeding the input value;
  2. Subtract the largest rnr^n value as many times as possible; the power nn marks the rank order and the number of subtractions define the rank value;
  3. Repeat steps 1,21, 2 until the input turns into zero.

It is important not to skip unused powers while recording the result. All ranks should be in place in order. If some power was unused - zero is placed on it’s place.

You can see how the arbitrary decimal number converted into arbitrary radix number step-by-step below:

Decimal number conversion stages

262524232221201100101 \begin{array}{c:c:c:c:c:c:c} 2^6&2^5&2^4&2^3&2^2&2^1&2^0\\ \hline 1&1&0&0&1&0&1\\ \end{array}
26101272537262252320121 \begin{aligned} 2^6 &\leq 101 &\leq 2^7\\2^5 &\leq 37 &\leq 2^6\\2^2 &\leq 5 &\leq 2^3\\2^0 &\leq 1 &\leq 2^1\\ \end{aligned} 1011263712551221120 \begin{aligned} 101 &- {\color{#7A82E3}1} \cdot 2^6\\37 &- {\color{#7A82E3}1} \cdot 2^5\\5 &- {\color{#7A82E3}1} \cdot 2^2\\1 &- {\color{#7A82E3}1} \cdot 2^0\\ \end{aligned}

Converting the number in arbitrary radix to decimal#

To convert the number in arbitrary radix to decimal we need to break down the number rank by rank, whereas each rank’s position ii defines a group value as rir_i and it’s value - how many such groups we should count.

There is no extra work need to be done because we do calculations using usual decimal arithmetic hence the result will be in decimal:

  1. Break down the number into ranks an,...a2,a1,a0a_n, ... a_2, a_1, a_0, where aa - is the value, and nn is it’s power;
  2. Find the sum using the the formula;

Number into decimal conversion

100102 \to 1810
  1. 20 0
  2. 21 1
  3. 22 0
  4. 23 0
  5. 24 1


To test your knowledge about number conversion you can use an interactive exercise section below. Before you begin you need to select a numerical interval, from which a randomly chosen number will be used. The next step is to select radix values defining the number you will be asked to convert and what radix should be result in.

You are free to choose any radix from binary up till 3636. Any system above decimal use alphabetic letters to depict digits above 99, the same way the hexadecimal system does.

You can use the provided virtual keyboard for input. Focusing (for example, on touch) the virtual keyboard allows to use physical keyboard. To undo the last symbol, use Backspace key; to reset the input use Delete key. When you are ready to check the result, press Enter.

A failed attempt does not carry any penalty, you can try again and again as many times as you want to.

